
General Details

What is the DriverOff?

This utility identifies oem and 3rd-party driver updates for a variety of all pc products, such as Intel® Desktop Boards, Intel® NUC, and Intel® Compute Sticks, and makes it easy to download and install them.

What's new in the latest release?
Version Update
  • First release.
What operating systems does the utility run on?

The DriverOff supports 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Microsoft Windows 7*, Windows 8* and Windows 8.1*, and Windows® 10.

If you're operating system is not supported, visit Contact Us to look for available drivers.

How long should the DriverOff take to install and analyze?

Typical installation, loading and analysis takes approximately three to 3 minutes using a broadband Internet connection (DSL/Cable).

What components does the tool detect?

DriverOff Detect all drivers including Graphic Drivers, Audio Driver, Wireless Networking, Wired Networking, Bluethooth, Chipset and so much more.

Where can I download the DriverOff?

The utility is easy to download. This is our official website.

Is any personal identifiable information collected?


How To's

How do I install the DriverOff?

The utility is easy to install.

  1. Download the utility to your desktop.
  2. Run the setup program by double-clicking driveroff.exe.
  3. Read and agree to the license terms and conditions.
  4. Select Install.
  5. Launch the utility and you are on your way to updating your drivers.

In what folder does the DriverOff place the downloaded drivers?

By default, the DriverOff places downloaded drivers in your "Downloads" folder. Typically, that folder is found at:
C:\Users\username\Downloads (just replace "username" with your user name)

To change the location for downloaded drivers, click Settings > Default Download Directory, and change the location.
Click Save Changes to save the new location.

How do I run the DriverOff?
  1. Use the search option to locate and run the DriverOff Utility. The utility scans your system and shows you the current version of the Intel component driver and the latest version.

  2. Expand each section to see details. Unselect the check box if you don't want to download the latest driver version.

  3. Click Download to update the drivers.

How do you uninstall DriveOff?

To uninstall the DriverOff Utility from your system:

  1. Click Start > Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features.

  2. From the list that displays, click DriverOff, and click Uninstall.

A new window will open offering to uninstall the program.


Why does the DriverOff list no results after scanning?

You can receive no results when:

  1. You have an older component
  2. Your component is discontinued or is not supported
  3. You have a non-Intel component
  4. You have a custom OEM component
  5. The component is not in our database